"In the making" // E9 // CHANGING THE GAME(s) // Podcast

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Welcome to IN THE MAKING - a podcast about history, books, films and everything in between, where we look at the past and compare it to the present, while trying to figure out the plausible futures.

Welcome to Episode 9. Back in Think Punk. Our studio in Bluebell where a lot of creative activities take place. We are recording another podcast for you and I am super excited as the topic will touch on something that I barely know anything about. The Games.

But as we do, we not only talk about the video games and their culture shaping influence and what they can possible mean for the humanity in the future, and even more how wide spread they are, and how many people consider themselves gamers in the world today.

We look into the historical perspective of games back in the day, from ancient times looking at how important they were in the development of societies.

This time as always we can hear the insights from our resident experts Maciek Kalinski and Michal Klebs, but for the first time this season we also welcome a guest - Lukasz Rygielski -
video game tester by day, gamer by night. Inspired by heavy metal, high fantasy and Slavic mythology tries to intertwine it all while keeping up with new tech, video game trends and gamedev.

Come Play! Tune in.

Kamil Che

Impresario, event producer, promoter, ticketing and arts marketing professional; passionate about theatre, film, festivals and all things creative. Personally a writer, poet and recently a vocalist and a songwriter. Human.


"In the making" // E10// DO WE LIVE IN A SIMULATION // Podcast


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