"In the making" // S2.E1// GENETICALLY MODIFIED FUTURE // Podcast

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So here we are. We are starting second series of our podcast. We also welcome a new team member Rafal Kostrzewa who will be from now on standing behind the cameras to deliver a professional video straight to your screens.

_InTheMaking_ a podcast where we talk science, films, books and history. Where we try to draw parallels between the past present and potential futures, all the time trying to debunk misinformation and spread the knowledge which sometimes may be hidden in the vast abyss of our post information era.

This time we talk about Genetic Modification, Cultured Foods and CRISPR and what is the weight this astounding technology carries within.

Are we going to change the human race by playing Gods? Will that be the ultimate path to our doom as a species?

Have you ever seen strawberries growing in the wild? Or actually pretty much every other food that we have been eating for millennia? Are you sure your grandmother was feeding you with "organic fruits and vegetables"? This episode may work as an eye opener to many!

Come Play! Tune in.

Filmed by Rafal Kostrzewa @dublinheadshot | Edited by Michal Klebs http://michalklebs.ie/

Kamil Che

Impresario, event producer, promoter, ticketing and arts marketing professional; passionate about theatre, film, festivals and all things creative. Personally a writer, poet and recently a vocalist and a songwriter. Human.


"In the making" // S2.E2// What is ART? // Podcast


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