"In the making" // E8 // LOST CIVILISATIONS // Podcast

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Welcome to IN THE MAKING - a podcast about history, books, films and everything in between, where we look at the past and compare it to the present, while trying to figure out the plausible futures.

Why The Expanse is the best sci-fi show you can currently watch and what footprints did Ancient Aliens leave on earth?

In Episode 8 we talk about lost civilisations, we explore some alternative views and try and crush it with scientific method. Diving into the depths of confusion and coming out on the other end of the wormhole with a conclusion, that curiosity is something precious but facts should be cherished and adhered to, nonetheless.

Maciej and Michal do their best, as always to present objective findings but your host this time takes up a role of the advocatus diaboli, trying to prove them wrong with his newly discovered, mind blowing knowledge from YouTube clips.

Tune in to get on the journey where lost civilisations come to play with your imagination. Those that were lost in translation and those that will be lost, as we will never be able to translate their signs.

This one is a long one, but we feel that it is worth it - Tune In!

Kamil Che

Impresario, event producer, promoter, ticketing and arts marketing professional; passionate about theatre, film, festivals and all things creative. Personally a writer, poet and recently a vocalist and a songwriter. Human.


"In the making" // E9 // CHANGING THE GAME(s) // Podcast


"In the making" // E7 // POST-APOCALYPSE // Podcast